IFOP holds “Qualitative Modeling workshop: Theoretical-practical introduction to Loops analysis “
25 January, 2019

IFOP holds “Qualitative Modeling workshop: Theoretical-practical introduction to Loops analysis “

January 29th, 2019 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Between January 24th and 25th at IFOP Valparaíso headquarters, “Qualitative Modeling: Theoretical-practical introduction to Loops analysis” Course-Workshop was carried out. It is part of “SEAFISHMAN: Advancing towards the sustainability of fisheries based on the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management through scientific research and capacity building in four Bentonic Resource Management Committees project “which is funded by the Walton Family Foundation (WFF)

Carlos Montenegro Head of Fisheries Assessment Department explained “this course is part of ecosystemic modeling fisheries research line. It is a qualitative approach for understanding and description of socio-ecological components functioning system associated with a fishery, that is, the relationships that exist both in the system’s human dimension and ecological dimension. Relationships are studied between both dimensions. The technique of loop analysis is used, which allows to describe the functioning of a system using diagrams of its components and the relationships between them (positive, negative or neutral). From this we can study the stability of the systems and the responses to perturbations on components of it.

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