IFOP celebrates its 60 years launching a new video and institutional canvas
28 May, 2024

IFOP celebrates its 60 years launching a new video and institutional canvas

May 30th, 2024 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Fisheries Development Institute, IFOP, was created on May 26th, 1964, by CORFO Production Development Corporation, , and National Fisheries Society, through an international technical assistance project in fisheries matters between the Chilean Government, the United Nations Development Program, UNDP, and the United Nations Agricultural Organization, FAO.

Gonzalo Pereira, IFOP’s Executive Director, highlighted “in the context of our institution 60th anniversary during this year we have scheduled a series of activities, seminars, courses, the publication of a book at the end of this year, and given that our anniversary was on May 26th, we are launching a new corporative video, which refers toour institute 60 years of history, which shows how we have grown, and also a commemorative canvas on our main office in Valparaíso´sfacade, where the two scientific vessels managed by IFOP, Abate Molina and Dra. Barbieri, appear.

These two events are in addition to other activities that we will be carrying out throughout the year, we are going to have a women scientists’s conference, a seminar in the north on climatic change and anchovy fishery that may possibly be done with Peru, we have two harmful algae conferences planned in southern Chile, receiving library donations from former IFOP directors, to our library.

We are very happy to develop these activities, thanks to Corfo’s financial support. As part of the celebration we have also carried out work focused on the community; Our researchers have held scientific colloquiums in various schools throughout our country, we have received schoolchildren in our Valparaíso’s headquarters where children can be scientists for a morning, they use our microscopes, visit laboratories and receive talks about research what IFOP does. We also participated in the month of the sea celebration at the Fonck Museum with presentations by two IFOP professionals, and we have been present at fairs and scientific activities from Arica to Punta Arenas.

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  • fis-net.com
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