IFOP announces ” Patagonia Fjords and Channels Oceanography and Numerical Modeling difussion online workshop”.
14 March, 2023

IFOP announces ” Patagonia Fjords and Channels Oceanography and Numerical Modeling difussion online workshop”.

March 20th, 2023 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Next Wednesday, March 22nd, IFOP Oceanography and Climate group in Castro (chonos.ifop.cl) will give a new dissemination workshop entitled “Oceanography and Numerical Modeling in Fjords and Channels of Patagonia“, with its most relevant results and progress of its Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture Performance Agreement projects that IFOP carries out as advisor to the State in matters of sustainable development of southern Chile marine ecosystems. The workshop presentations address various topics related to Chilean Patagonia oceanography, such as: atmospheric and oceanographic monitoring networks and Patagonia synoptic modeling challenges and Skyring de Magallanes Sound hydrography and biogechemistry (see attached program poster for more detail). Each presentation comprises a short space of time dedicated to questions and exchange of ideas from which to build joint knowledge of future research. For this, IFOP has considered inviting community representatives to participate in this workshop, including political and administrative authorities (Subpesca, Sernapesca), regional government and related fields researchers.

The workshop will be held online via Meet (Google video calls) on March 22nd in the afternoon from 2:30 p.m.5:30 p.m. (approximate end time). Reserve your ubication by completing the registration form, through which you will be provided with the access link during the days prior to the workshop (limited spaces). For more questions, write to chonos@ifop.cl.

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