A binational Chile – Peru workshop on sustainable management of shared marine resources in the Humboldt Current System was held.
17 May, 2017

A binational Chile – Peru workshop on sustainable management of shared marine resources in the Humboldt Current System was held.

May 22nd, 2017 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

This event had the participation of representatives of Subpesca, IFOP, minrel, MMA, Sernapesca among other institutions, professional groups, members of the academic world and NGOs

In the Hotel Diego de Almagro Valparaíso, the workshop of the binational project both “Catalyzing the implementation of a strategic action program for sustainable management of shared marine live resources in the Humboldt current system ” was held. This project is funded by the Global Environment Fund( GEF) and is implemented by the United Nations program for development (UNDP).

This project aim is to prepare a proposal to be submitted to GEF that implements the execution of the strategic action program (SAP) drawn up by the two countries between 2011 and 2016 as part of the GEF-Humboldt project “Towards an ecosystemic approach management of large marine ecosystem of the Humboldt Current (GEMCH)”. In this project, in addition, was a diagnostic analysis of the main environmental problems and anthropogenic that affect the health of the GEMCH.

In this context, the Undersecretary of fisheries and aquaculture, Pablo Berazaluce, stated that “as Under Secretary we are interested in the success of this project, by the scope in terms of progress in the development of capacities and multidimensional analysis and ecosystem.” On the other hand, the binational scope of the project are one additional incentive, being always an interesting challenge the exchange of experiences and opportunities for mutual learning in matters as important as it is fishing for both countries”, he said.

At the same time, IFOP Executive Director, Leonardo Núñez, said: “We have the possibility of complementing the research lines for fisheries development of Chile and Peru. We must be aware that good management of our fisheries resources requires today more than ever deepening knowledge, their dynamics and the GEF project that summons us today, offers an opportunity to move towards this direction”.

Additionally, Paloma Toranzos, Official of Environment and Energy of the UNDP Chile: added “Progress towards sustainable and integral management of the sea and its resources must be based on a participatory process: it is necessary that the State, trade union organizations, NGOs and private sector talk and achieve positive results for all, and that is precisely what this workshop approach allows.” Our role, as UNDP, is to articulate to all stakeholders and have the foundations so that this discussion is prolific ─here as in Peru─ and inputs arising are going to be considered the final draft”

Representatives of the Undersecretariat for Fisheries and Aquaculture (SUBPESCA), Instituto de Fomento Pesquero (IFOP), Ministry of the Environment (MMA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINREL) , National Fishing and Aquaculture Service (SERNAPESCA), General Directorate of the Maritime Territory and Merchant Navy (DIRECTEMAR), Regional Committee on use of the edge coastal (CRUBC), Superintendent of environment (SMA), Chilean Agency for quality and food safety (ACHIPIA) , National Confederation of Federations of Fishermen of Chile (CONFEPACH), National Confederation of Artisanal Fishermen of Chile (CONAPACH), Development Fund for Artisanal Fisheries (FFPA), Alliance of Coastal Municipalities for sustainable development (AMCODES), National Fishing Society (SONAPESCA), CORPESCA S.A (fishing company), Center of Applied Sea Research (CIAM), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV), World Wildlife Fund (WWF) , The Nature Conservancy (TNC), ONG PEW, Environment Defense Fund (EDF), MERI Foundation, Walton Family Foundation (WFF), Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP), Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), among others.

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