IFOP Board of Directors, visits scientific ship Abate Molina
1 September, 2023

IFOP Board of Directors, visits scientific ship Abate Molina

September 11th, 2023 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Yesterday, Thursday, August 31rd, a sunny and beautiful day accompanied the visit of the IFOP Board of Directors to the scientific ship Abate Molina, in the Valparaíso Region, they were received by Gonzalo Pereira, IFOP’s Executive Director, Patricio Herrera, head of marine operations, Takashi Abbe, boat captain and crew. They gave them a tour of the ship and explained what each of the scientific equipment is for, they learned about the laboratories, and the spaces that the ship has and that make it possible for the workers to be on board for a month.

Claudio Maggi, IFOP Board of Directors President explained “we had the opportunity to visit Abate Molina ship, the visit was very beneficial, it was important to be able to learn on the ground, the heart of our research work as an institute, the work of the crew, all the complexity involved in operating a scientific vessel, with the characteristics of the Abate Molina, in addition to the modernizations it has had both in equipment and accommodations that facilitate workers daily life, they are cruises that last several days and most of the year. People are on the high seas, therefore, all of us who participated in this visit greatly appreciate the invitation from IFOP’s management, since we were able to meet and take another view, understanding much better, the characteristics of the research work that the institute does, so very happy to have been able to participate.”

Gonzalo Pereira Puchy, Fisheries Development Institute Executive Director commented “this visit is carried out in the context that the topic of today’s Council session is to know construction progress and start of operations of Dra. Barbieri vessel, they are in charge of presenting this information. Jorge Castillo from direct evaluation, Jorge Miranda from finance and Patricio Herrera from marine operations, they will inform the Council about the progress and financial requirements for next year that IFOP will need, for the operation of this new ship.”

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