Normal to moderately cold sea conditions in Southeast Pacific
15 January, 2018

Normal to moderately cold sea conditions in Southeast Pacific

January 16th, 2018 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Joint Oceanographic Cruise conducted by Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Chile confirmed normal conditions in the equatorial zone and sea cooling off Peru and Chile

This Joint Regional Oceanographic Research Cruise in Southeast Pacific is a “Regional Study of the El Niño Phenomenon” of the Permanent Commission of the South Pacific (CPPS) initiative that, since 1998, monitors properties of the ocean and adjacent atmosphere in South America frontal western coasts aiming to  anticipate – in a timely manner – the presence of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) conditions.

This year the cruise took place from September 15th  to November 9th , during which 1054 oceanographic stations were made from Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Chile coast  to Galapagos Islands. This action was possible due to the joint action carried out by oceanographic institutions of the region such as the Center for Oceanographic and Hydrographic Research of the Pacific (CCCP) of the General Maritime Directorate (DIMAR) of Colombia, the Navy Oceanographic Institute  (INOCAR) from  Ecuador, Sea Institute of  Peru (IMARPE) and Institute of Fisheries Promotion (IFOP) from Chile and its scientific ships Armada de la Republica de Colombia (ARC) Gorgona, Ecuadorian Navy Ship (BAE) Orion, Scientific Research Vessels (BICs) José Olaya and Humboldt and Abate Molina Research Ship (B / I), respectively.

The XX Regional Oceanographic Cruise results confirmed the end of a warm condition in winter 2017 and the beginning of a neutral scenario in the equatorial region (Colombia and Ecuador), as well as the prevalence of cold conditions from mild to intense in the Peruvian and Chilean sea.

Considering current international agencies forecasting of climatic models  indicating cold conditions of weak magnitude until the end of the year for the central equatorial Pacific (Niño Region 3.4) and neutral conditions in December 2017 for the eastern sector (Niño 1 + 2 Region) ), as well as the results of the XX Joint Regional Cruise, it is expected that in the summer of 2017 – 2018 a normal to slightly cold scenario will occur that, eventually, could reach a weak La Niña condition in the Southeast Pacific.

Dr. Jaime Letelier Pino, IFOP´s  Department of Oceanography and Environment  Head , explained “Within the international activities carried out in the Department, this” joint regional cruise ” was carried out simultaneously during  spring season by Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Chile in the framework of the El Niño phenomenon monitoring. These cruises are coordinated by the South Pacific Permanent Commission (CPPS) and Chile responds to this commitment through “Oceanographic Bio Conditions and Evaluation of anchovy spawning stock”  realization a Cruise  which is part of IFOP  Integral advisory program for Fishing and Aquaculture”. This multinational instance allows researchers joint collaboration  from the most oceanographic-fishing research important institutions from each country this was related through joint meetings in different countries and exchange of researchers on cruises, during 2017 IFOP´s researcher Vivian Valenzuela participated in peruvian cruise.

The results of El Niño Monitoring are attached in the CPPS press release and in  monthly bulletins that IFOP presents on its website (“bio-oceanographic monitoring“).

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