Deputees Chamber’s Fisheries Committee met on Dr. Barbieri new scientific vessel
14 May, 2024

Deputees Chamber’s Fisheries Committee met on Dr. Barbieri new scientific vessel

May 22nd, 2024 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Valparaíso on May 8th, within the New Fisheries Law’s framework discussion, Jorge Brito,Deputy and Fisheries Commission President, together with legislative body members in addition to Fisheries’s Undersecretariat, IFOP’s Executive Director and Dr. María Ángela Barbieri, hold an unprecedented meeting at new scientific vessel “Dra. Barbieri” facilities -which were built in Chile- and that will contribute to marine ecosystems research throughout the country, focusing mainly on oceanographic and fisheries studies.

The New Fisheries Law presented by the government seeks, among other things, to promote scientific research for decision-making in the administration and hydrobiological species conservation.

Gonzalo Pereira IFOP’s Executive Director, explained our institution does marine scientific research in Chile for sustainable fishing and aquaculture and in that role, he is in charge of the operation of the two scientific vessels. What motivated this meeting is that the Chamber of Deputies’s Fisheries Commission wanted to meet on the new Dra. Barbieri vessel, which is going to have its first cruise next week.

This in the New Fisheries Law ‘s context, the fact that the Commission meets on the ship and that the issue of the New Fisheries Law is also addressed is very pertinent given that the New Law contemplates several advances in research. scientific both from the point of view of the subjects that are incorporated as research objectives for our institution, such as oceanographic topics, climatic change, increasing scientific committees and also structural and financing aspects by establishing that our institution must have a separate operation’s budget, of what research programs are and an additional budget is also contemplated to finance new research lines.

The Deputies who participated in this meeting were very receptive and highly valued that our country has a new research vessel and also took note of the need to renew the vessel that we already have, which is 33 years old and therefore they unanimously approved issuing a document addressed to different authorities, pointing out the need to start working on the construction or acquisition of a new research vessel apart from the one we are inaugurating now

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