Abate Molina Scientific Vessel set sail to investigate common sardine and anchovy
10 May, 2024

Abate Molina Scientific Vessel set sail to investigate common sardine and anchovy

May 14th, 2024 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

On May 6th, Abate Molina ship set sail from Valparaíso´s Port to begin a new 31-day research cruise, focused on anchovy and common sardine research between Valparaíso and Los Lagos the regions.

This scientific cruise is in charge of fishing engineer Álvaro Saavedra and Captain Takashi Abe, the team of professionals and technicians from Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) will use hydroacoustic method to evaluate and characterize these fish populations during their peak recruitment season during the fall.

The cruise’s objectives are several, including species size ,abundance and biomass estimation, their demographic composition analysis through biological indicators the area, bio-oceanographic conditions exploration and aggregations characterization.

Obtained data, its analysis and results are key for the sectoral authority since it allows decisions that have to do with sustainable development of these two fisheries to be supported with scientific information.

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