Scientific Information Literacy Workshops Cycle
16 October, 2020

Scientific Information Literacy Workshops Cycle

October 19th, 2020 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Between October 5th and 9th, remotely, the Scientific Information Literacy workshops Cycle was held, organized by the Marine Information Management Group (GIM) – CONA, of which Ghislaine Barría González Fisheries Development Institute librarian is a member,. Representatives from Universidad de Valparaíso, Universidad de Concepción, Universidad Austral, Universidad Católica del Norte, Universidad de Magallanes, Shoa, Sernageomín, Museum of Natural History, researchers and the general public also attended.

The activity objective was to provide useful tools to support scientific and applied research, such as bibliographic managers, databases, bibliometric analysis, among others.

The IFOP professional explained that the workshops were relevant, both for Fisheries Development Institute, and for the general public, since it was the opportuity to transfer information, regarding science and technology, the so-called “Scientific Literacy” , is an essential bridge in this knowledge society, to have critical thinking.

The specialist in charge of the workshop was Morella Belén Rodríguez, from La universidad Santísima Concepción and addressed topics during five days were the following:

  • Bibliographic Managers: Zotero, Mendeley, EndNote.
  • How to enhance our scientific production visibility? Creation of ORCID profiles, academic Google and Researchgate.
  • Bibliometrics and Science Assessment Workshop.
  • Scientific social networks: How to achieve visibility and impact of our research?
  • Predatory magazines and borderline magazines; What are they and how to identify them so as not to damage our research and reputation as a researcher?
  • Strengthening our research: How to get the most out of databases
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