IFOP biochemist gets training in Mexico
31 October, 2017

IFOP biochemist gets training in Mexico

November 2nd, 2017 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Luis Norambuena, IFOP’s biochemist, attended a training course in Mexico. The training was held between October 23rd and 26th to learn how to operate Agilent HPLC-MS

HPLC-MS, is a modern equipment recently acquired by IFOP, which is capable of detecting compounds of different nature based on their molecular size and their ability to ionize (loaded either positively or negatively). This device will make possible to detect marine toxins, antibiotics, antiparasitics, among other analytes, which allows to increase research possibilities.

Luis Norambuena explained “the importance of my assistance is to increase my knowledge for optimal use and care of recently acquired Agilent HPLC-MS. The training was conducted by Ana Peñaloza, expert instructor in HPLC-MS of Agilent-Mexico, which has first-class equipment to perform the practical work. ”

Upon completion he added “this course serves to improve skills in the techniques and operation of Agilent QQQ LC / MS software. It was a personalized and intensive 4-day theoretical-practical course, which included topics such as QQQ Agilent mass spectrometer operating theory, operation and optimization of the use of MassHunter software. A part of problem solving and preventive equipment maintenance was included in the training. “

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