Various schools in the region were part of a Scientific tour developed by IFOP Aysén professionals
December 21st, 2022During November and December, a team of IFOP professionals, led by its head of office, Alejandra Lafon, carried out various scientific activities in Puerto Melinka and Puerto Aguirre, in which they visited Melinka High School and Pedro Aguirre Cerda School in Puerto Aguirre. In them a talk and practical workshop “Red tides, what are they and how has their distribution changed? was developed.
In these talks in a didactic and pleasant language, children and young people are explained about Red Tide, what it is and the damage that can be caused by consuming a product contaminated by it. It is also reinforced to buy certified products. Since Red Tide, if not treated on time it can be deadly.
In Melinka, Lorena Ramírez, a red tide analyst, carried out a practical activity in which students were able to see microalgae under a microscope.
Alejandra Lafon explained “In Puerto Aguirre I was with Lorena and also with José Ojeda (DGM field coordinator), in the practical activity in this place we saw the morphology of mussels and bivalves, to understand how shellfish are toxic with red tide, all these Field activities are part of the role of disseminating our institutional work to the community and students in order to share our research in a playful and informative way. This time in collaboration with Explora group from Universidad Austral de Chile, Patagonia Campus.
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