Workshop “Collection and analysis of information on Bio-oceanographic Conditions on the southern region of Peru – northern Chile
17 December, 2024

Workshop “Collection and analysis of information on Bio-oceanographic Conditions on the southern region of Peru – northern Chile

December 27th, 2024 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Between November 25 and 29, 2025, the Workshop on “Collection and analysis of information on Bio-oceanographic Conditions on the southern region of Peru – northern Chile (16º-26ºS)” was held, organized by the Binational Group on Fisheries Oceanography and Modeling (GTB3) and made up of researchers from IFOP and IMARPE.

The workshop is within the framework of the GEF Humboldt II project, funded by UNDP, whose objective is to contribute to the joint management of the shared anchovy stock between both countries. IMARPE researchers Cinthia Arellano, Dante Espinoza, Cinthya Ramos and Fredy Cárdenas attended the event, while IFOP was represented by researchers Katty Donoso, Jessica Bonicelli, Juan Faúndez, Francisca Osorio and Adrián Bustamante.

A 30-year climatology was constructed at the workshop, based on temperature, salinity and oxygen data obtained during spring cruises. The climatology was able to capture coastal cooling and deoxygenation associated with upwelling, which cannot be differentiated in global databases. On the other hand, by crossing the egg databases with oceanographic data, it was possible to establish optimal environmental conditions for anchovy spawning. The work group will continue to build climatologies for other months, adding new variables such as chlorophyll, and finally, generating spawning probability maps from environmental variables.

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