IFOP Workshop “Study of the spatiotemporal variability of microplastics in the Chilean sea using automated methodologies”
20 January, 2025

IFOP Workshop “Study of the spatiotemporal variability of microplastics in the Chilean sea using automated methodologies”

January 27th, 2025 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

In January 2025, we had the visit of Dr. Ana Catarino at the Institute for Fisheries Development (IFOP), Valparaíso headquarters. Dr. Catarino is a leading international researcher at the Flemish Marine Institute (VLIZ). She is a specialist in the study of microplastics in seawater, sediments and biota, and their effect on marine biological communities.

During their visit, the zooplankton team from the IFOP Oceanography Section, made up of Dr. Jessica Bonicelli, Dr. Katty Donoso, Francisca Osorio, Débora Albornoz and Yanara Figueroa, organized the workshop “Study of the spatiotemporal variability of microplastics in the Chilean sea using automated methodologies”, with the aim of developing a research proposal for the study of microplastics in historical zooplankton samples, which have been collected on IFOP oceanographic cruises since the 1970s and cover almost the entire Chilean sea. One of the advantages of having historical zooplankton samples is being able to see spatiotemporal trends of microplastics in the marine environment and establish the eco-toxicological risk they could have on marine species.

During the week, collaboration networks were established within the institute, as well as with other institutions and study centers in Chile. We counted on the participation of Carolina Aguirre (IFOP – DMA), Dr. Juan Faundez (IFOP- DOMA), Karen Walker (IFOP – DEP), Mabel Albornoz (IFOP – DEP), Dr. Johanna Medellín (UV) and Dr. Carlos Garrido Leiva (UMCE). Together with them, the IFOP zooplankton group and Dr. Ana Catarino proposed 4 lines of research, aimed at the study of microplastics in zooplankton samples in the Chilean sea and their variability in space and time. In addition, the digestion protocols for zooplankton samples were reviewed, to degrade the organic content and keep the microplastics, and microplastic samples were scanned in the ZooScan to strengthen the recognition trainer.

We also visited the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Natural Resources at the University of Valparaíso, where we were welcomed by Dr. Johanna Medellín and her team, and Dr. Catarino presented the lines of research on microplastics that she is working on within VLIZ. In addition, we had the opportunity to meet Dr. Susanne M. Brander, associate professor at the University of Oregon, who is also a specialist in the study of microplastics and shared her experience in this area with us.

The workshop was a success in terms of collaboration, learning and future projections, and we intend to continue the collaboration between researchers from IFOP and other institutions in Chile and VLIZ, to carry out the lines of research proposed during the workshop. It should be noted that this workshop is a start to establish a line of research aimed at studying microplastics in the marine environment, which are a threat to the health of our oceans and the fishing resources that inhabit them.

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