29 August, 2014

WORKSHOP DELIVERY AND ANALYSIS OF RESULTS. FIP Project 2013-05: “hydroacoustic assessment of stocks of anchovy and sardine common between V and X Regions, Year 2014”

November 25th, 2015 Mario Loyola


IFOP 2013-05: “hydroacoustic assessment of stocks of anchovy and sardine common between the V and X Regions, Year 2014”

Date: Thursday September 4

Location: conference room housing Compensation Los Andes, Talcahuano. (Colon 754, Talcahuano)

Will present the results of the project in its aspects of oceanography of the offer of food and environmental characterization of the stomach contents of common sardine and anchovy; as also the estimated 2013 of the abundance and biomass of common sardine and anchovy, and the interrelationships between the variables studied, through GIS. The background will be contrasted with landings and historical analysis of these resources in the south central area of the country.
Assistance by invitation.

More information and invitations: geovanna.neira@ifop.cl

Program: here

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