Professionals of IFOP attended to international Workshop about fishing
28 April, 2016

Professionals of IFOP attended to international Workshop about fishing

June 16th, 2016 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Between April 15 and 19, 2016, the researchers Maximiliano Zilleruelo and Patricio Gálvez, both of Fisheries Evaluation Department of IFOP, participated in the “Workshop on use of best available science in developing and promoting best practices for trawl fishing operations”, international project financed by FAO and executed by a group of world renown researchers leaded by Dr. Ray Hilborn, of Universidad de Washington.

The workshop was carried out in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia; and besides of the professional attendants, there were also Latin-American researchers of Perú, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, México and Chile.

The most important characteristic of the project is that will allow making a real evaluation of the effect of dragging fisheries over the marine deep sea floor and the echo system, with the best information available.

Patricio Gálvez, researcher of IFOP explained that “our participation in the project, particularly in the analysis of dragging footprint, opens opportunities, not only in expanding the knowledge of current sciences in the dragging fishing study worldwide, but also allows to establish professional ties at the highest level in various topics, such as, ecological risk assessment, analysis of by-catch, drag impact on biota, among others.

On the other hand, it is important to emphasize that the integration of knowledge in such workshops at the regional level, will strengthen ties between various research institutions and professionals from Latin America, strengthening the work of IFOP in matters of ecosystem vision for fisheries management.”

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