IFOP professionals attend  International Maritime Technical Symposium
30 June, 2023

IFOP professionals attend International Maritime Technical Symposium

July 10th, 2023 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Between June 19th and 23rd, INMARTECH (International Marine Technician) symposium was held in Barcelona, in which different conferences on equipment use, development and innovation at all levels different Oceanographic Vessels in the world were presented. INMARTECH was created by IRSO (International Organization of Scientific Vessel Operators) in order to bring together technical operators to exchange experiences in their respective areas of operation In this way Iván Toro, from operations department, Andrés Varas from Oceanography and Environment Department and Javier Legua from Direct Assessments Researchers Fisheries Development Institute Department, , exchanged knowledge with work teams from institutions in US, Spain, Norway, Germany, the United Kingdom, England, South Korea, South Africa, the Netherlands, Canada and Croatia.

During the meetings development, presentations were made in the areas of hydroacoustics, in situ information systems with oceanographic buoys, seismic systems and seabed extraction, winches use and oceanographic cables, unmanned vehicles such as ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles), AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) vehicles, research vessel description, DATA management and ship-to-shore transmission and general onboard technical support solutions.

Private companies were also present with technological innovations, producing an optimal synergy with the operational technical teams of the scientific vessels.

These Symposiums are held every 2 years and various innovations are presented in the mentioned areas, which favors our deployment in the operation of equipment in our different vessels such as the B/C Abate Molina.

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