Liceo Bicentenario de Valparaíso carries out a pedagogical visit to Fisheries Development Institute
25 October, 2023

Liceo Bicentenario de Valparaíso carries out a pedagogical visit to Fisheries Development Institute

November 15th, 2023 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

On October 23rd, students from Liceo Bicentenario de Valparaíso toured IFOP’s facilities, were received by researchers from Fisheries Development Institute and were shown scientific work carried out in the various laboratories that the institution has. The tour included the Otolith laboratory, where young people learned what they are and what they are for, as well as the importance of being able to calculate the age of fish through them.

They also explored the plankton and oceanography laboratory, where boys and girls used magnifying glasses and microscopes to take a look at the microcosm that exists in a drop of seawater. In addition, they had an approach to oceanographic equipment that is capable of measuring and taking samples at more than a thousand meters of depth and even state-of-the-art micro marine buoys.

The exhibition included contact with life-size sea turtle models, which represent species that can be found in Chilean waters, accompanied by an explanation of their life cycle, where they are distributed, what they eat and the damages they face today. by human action. In addition, children were able to learn how scientific whale watching is carried out.

Jorge Soto Delgado, Central Macrozone Science Seremi. explained “on this occasion we visited Fisheries Development Institute – IFOP Valparaíso, in the company of students from Liceo Bicentenario Marítimo de Valparaíso, where they were able to learn about scientific research they carry out in the area of marine sciences and aquaculture. Seeing a team of excellence and great human quality that gave us an instance that motivated each and every student to feel a unique interest in the scientific work they do at the center, was undoubtedly gratifying, and that is what we need, spaces where we generate curiosity and wonder about scientific developments to future generations. Without a doubt, our scientific research centers and institutes opening to the school community are the spaces we need.”

Dr. Jaime Letelier Pino, IFOP’s Oceanography and Environment Department Head added “today we received 25 students from Liceo Bicentenario who visited Age and Growth, Plankton and Biodiversity laboratories and had close experiences with turtles, marine plankton, They carried out experiments and received gifts from IFOP. They learned in a playful way to bring closer the marine science that is carried out in Chile. At the Institute we believe that this type of action carried out by the IFOP Fisheries Research Division is necessary to generate rapprochement with the community and be able to inspire a greater number of students to follow the path of science.

Jorge Moreira Jara, science innovation and environment coordinator, for Valparaíso and Juan Fernández ’s SLEP explained “I want to thank the activity carried out today by IFOP to Valparaíso ‘s Bicentenario establishment, since in this activity children were able to tour its facilities and learn more about the beautiful work performed at this center, they are also instances where we bring students closer to science and that makes them see them from other perspectives, 7th grade children were fascinated with the visit and very happy with the reception they received , so we hope that these activities continue to take place to bring more students closer to science”

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