Chilean and Argentinian researchers met en Ushuaia Argentina to work over spider crab and false southern King crab.
July 3rd, 2017June 15 and 16th, a meeting between the Southern Center of scientific research (CADIC of Argentina) and the Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP, Chile) was held in order to share experiences and exchange information about the initiative conducted by IFOP in the Magallanes region, both points of landing and fishing zone as well as the experience of the CADIC, especially in the coastal area of the Beagle Channel with respect to crab and false southern King crab resource-oriented fishing.
Dr. Eduardo Almonacid, IFOP Magallanes researcher said “on several occasions we have tried to get the two Nations to work jointly regarding the research and scientific cooperation focused on these resources. Finally, and as a result of the first meeting in October of 2016, both institutions have agreed to the elaboration and subsequent signing of a collaboration agreement . In this sense, IFOP, leads the project “Swarm of King crab” in which the South American level seeks partnerships with domestic and foreign institutions for the development of the research of these crustaceans and the conservation and sustainable use of the resource (concerning King crab).
In this context last year IFOP invited researchers Federico Tapella, Carolina Romero and Paula Sotelano to the international workshop entitled “Progress and Prospects in the research of Litodidos crustaceans. “Towards the management and sustainable exploitation of the King crab (Lithodes santolla) in the Eastern South Pacific”.
Erik Daza, IFOP head in Magallanes, started the activity in a pleasant atmosphere of collaboration and camaraderie expressing the objectives of the meeting and the work to be carried out.
The first presentation was made by IFOP investigator Eduardo Almonacid; regarding fisheries in Magallanes and activities that are performed within the programme for monitoring of fisheries of crab and false southern King crab throughout their period (2007-2016).
Subsequently, researcher Ruth Hernández focused her presentation on the information available to the Beagle Channel to be able to compare what is happening on both sides of the channel.
During the afternoon, the exhibitions were oriented toward migration and connectivity studies, reproductive potential, recruiting, restocking and rules of operation on the Argentine side of the Beagle Channel, this exhibition was in charge of CADIC notorious investigator Gustavo Lovrich. Subsequently, researcher Pablo Di Salvatore presented a paper about the sexual maturity of the crab in different periods and fishing areas on the Argentine Coast of the channel.
The next day, emphasis was given to agreements from the joint research point of view and the possibility of sharing information with respect to the crab and false southern King crab in Beagle Channel’s waters. Thus also assumed commitments to a future activity in Punta Arenas and the potential meeting of authorities of both institutions for the preparation and signing of an agreement.
The activity was enriched by the contribution of the officials of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina.
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