IFOP researchers give talks on ocean care at a school in Valparaíso
August 4th, 2024IFOP researchers Diana Párraga and María Fernanda Jiménez gave a talk at the Alborada School in Curauma. Diana explained that “the talks are part of activities carried out by the school, related to the month of the environment”, a context in which we were invited to present.
We then focused the presentation on letting students know what the ocean is, the importance of the sea in Chile and the fishing activity focused on the crustacean fishery and how the institute contributes to the monitoring of fisheries, through the collection of scientific information and the generation of knowledge of fishing resources, the basis for correct administration, decision-making and in general to contribute to the well-being of ecosystems and communities. Information will also be given on the main problems of pollution of our seas and how to contribute to their care.
Likewise, the other presentation made by María Fernanda was also framed within one of the objectives of the discard project, the “International Convention of MARPOL 73/78 (garbage management), in fishing vessels” and, because it is one of the main pollution problems in our seas.
Therefore, this presentation dealt with a pollution problem, which is currently of great importance, “Microplastic in the ocean”, covering topics such as: where does it come from?, how is it formed?, the consequences that plastic brings with it in the organisms that live in our seas, the impact that this entails, both for marine and human organisms, and the possible solutions that could avoid or reduce the emissions of these.
It is important to make these problems known to future generations, since from a young age we must instill the care and respect for our main ecosystems. In addition, recognize the contribution that is made in areas of fisheries research.
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