Chilean researcher attends  Sharks , Stingrays, and Chimaeras Latin American Congress
4 April, 2019

Chilean researcher attends Sharks , Stingrays, and Chimaeras Latin American Congress

April 9th, 2019 Mario Loyola

Between March 25-29, in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, the First Sharks , Stingrays, and Chimaeras Latin American Congress was held. From Chile attended María Cristina Pérez Cuesta Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP).

The scientist explained, “My presentation ” Raya volantín fishery (Zearaja chilensis) in Chile, fisheries management evaluation approaches ” focused both on the kola skate fishery history in Chile and on different approaches that have been used to evaluate this resource in order to be able to define its exploitation status, currently, available information for this type of species is scarce or uncertain (compared to bony fish) due to the complexity of its sampling and handling, which makes both striped stripped sharks and sharks difficult resources to evaluate. It is important to understand that to protect and care for a species it is not only necessary to know the biology of this species, but also the history of the fishery and how this history has changed over time. This is where the importance of sharing information and experiences with neighboring countries in which even chondrichthyan fishing is an important part of their culture. ”

María Cristina Pérez is a Marine Biologist and Master in Fisheries. Her areas of interest are of stocks fishery resources evaluation and fisheries recovery. The last three years at IFOP, she has worked as Department of Resource Evaluation researcher, particularly in stock assessment projects for kelp and southern hake.

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