Carolina Lang IFOP’s Researcher  is part of REDICEC new Directory
2 May, 2022

Carolina Lang IFOP’s Researcher is part of REDICEC new Directory

November 6th, 2022 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

REDICEC is a non-profit entity that seeks to create and expand research links between Chile and Canada. It is made up of Chilean researchers linked to different universities in Canada and Chile.

Its main mission is to build strategic and interdisciplinary alliances contributing to development of research in various knowledge areas of, and to support its members, as well as those who come to Canada for the first time, to join the net’s scientific dissemination and social activities .

In its 9-year history, REDICEC has successfully positioned itself and has been recognized for Chilean Networks (ReCh) active participation and for developing dissemination activities such as biennial Colloquiums and Webinars.

“REDICEC has a special value for me, being in Chile I looked at the work of this organization with great interest. Then, as soon as I arrived in Canada, REDICEC supported me in my beginnings, which is essential for those who are new to a foreign country and culture, so I became a member and participated in the different dissemination activities that the Network has to offer.

Today, as part of REDICEC 2022-2024 directive staff, I have taken on a great personal and professional challenge, but also a great commitment. I am convinced that my participation in the board will allow me to use skills acquired in my professional career, and to develop new ones, such as leading a research network, working in a scientific interdisciplinary environment and collaboration importance among world networkse in research matters” explained Carolina Lang.

Redicec 2022-2024 Directive Board is made up of:

Carolina Lang as Executive Director (Vancouver- University of British Columbia)

Marcelo Balboa as Planning and Strategies Director (Quebec- Université Laval)

Hernán Morales as Finance Director ( Universidad Catolica de la Santísima Concepción-Chile)

Arturo Pérez as Communication and Public Relations Director (Edmonton- University of Alberta)

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