Researcher Sebastián Cook collaborated in a scientific dissemination day at the Quempillén Experimental Station of the Austral University.
5 June, 2024

Researcher Sebastián Cook collaborated in a scientific dissemination day at the Quempillén Experimental Station of the Austral University.

June 6th, 2024 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

In May in Ancud, the Quempillén Sea Day was held: bringing the Ancuditan community closer to the development of science. Instance in which the researcher from the Department of Repopulation and Cultivation of IFOP, Sebastián Cook Alvarado, participated with the presentation: “Cultivation experiences in the Pudeto estuary and perspectives for the sustainability of aquaculture.”

The event took place at the Quempillén Experimental Station of the Austral University of Chile (UACH), located in Ancud, with an audience made up of fourth grade students, along with teachers from different establishments in the commune of Ancud (Liceo Bicentenario de Ancud , Charles Darwin School of Ancud, Conciliar Seminary School of Ancud), who were enthusiastic about the possibility of learning about the research carried out in sectors close to their city.

Sebastián presented various aspects of the work carried out by professionals from the Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) directly with the Union of Independent Workers (STI) growers and exploiters of algae and benthic resources Pupelde. A study that has been going on for more than 4 years, which is part of the Permanent Program in Fisheries and Aquaculture (LGPA 20,657), which is carried out under the agreement that is signed annually with the Undersecretariat of Economy and Smaller Companies and the Institute, with the scientific-technical counterpart being the Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture.

The event also included the participation of Paulo Mora and Andrés Olguín, researchers from IFOP Valparaíso, who work on the monitoring programs for benthic fisheries and benthic crustaceans. They presented “Benthic resources and fishing activity in the Los Lagos region” and “Jellyfish: myth or reality”, respectively.

On the other hand, the representatives of the Quempillén experimental station were Juan Pablo Riquelme and MSc. Alejandro Ortiz, who presented: “Cultivation cycle of the Chilean oyster (Ostrea chilensis) and how the experimental station works” and “Effect of marine toxins on different stages of development of the Chilean oyster from the Quempillén Estuary.” Finally, Valeria Araya, marine biologist and doctoral student in marine biology at UACH, participated with her presentation: “From Chiloé to Alaska: investigating the epic journey of the straight-billed curlew.”

The Quempillén Sea Day featured a photographic exhibition “Fish Eye”, organized by the Institute of Marine and Limnological Sciences, in conjunction with the Ideal Center. The exhibition allowed attendees to visually delight themselves with an extract from the compendium of finalist photos of the well-known contest that takes place each year.

Regarding this type of conference, researcher Sebastián Cook pointed out “it is important to make the community aware of the work that has been carried out in the vicinity of the city of Ancud, since it shows that it is a hub of opportunities for research, and with emphasis on high school students who are looking for future perspectives associated with science. This shows them that it is possible that in the future they can lead research associated with their environment and in this way learn more and be able to protect it.”

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