Ignacio Payá IFOP’s researcher, made his second trip as an IFOP scholarship recipient in Universidad de Barcelona and ICM-CSIC doctoral Marine Sciences program.
October 9th, 2023Ignacio Payá IFOP Resource Evaluation Department’s researcher, made his second stay during July at Marine Sciences Institute (ICM-CSIC) (https://www.icm.csic.es) within the framework of his second year (2022-2023) in the Marine Sciences Doctorate program at Universidad de Barcelona (https://www.ub.edu/portal/web/ciencias-tierra/doctorado-ciencias-mar). The purpose of this visit was to meet with his tutor, Dr. Antoni Calafat from Universidad de Barcelona, and with his thesis directors, doctors Joan Company and Nixon Bahamon from ICM-CSIC, and Cristian Canales (telematically) from the PUCV.
His thesis is aimed at evaluating Dosidicus gigas squid fishery management strategies. During her visit he worked on reviewing individual growth, stock evaluation models and simulation (operational) models topics. He also participated in Pablo Couve doctoral thesis progress discussion, he is a Chilean with a scholarship from National Research and Development Agency (ANID) of Chile. Mr. Payá’s studies are being funded by an IFOP scholarship, as these are crucial for the Resource Assessment Department. The thesis is carried out at the IFOP and the ICM-CSIC, with a program of one visit per year to the ICM-CSIC.
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