IFOP researcher, Ignacio Payá, accomplished an internship at the Marine Sciences Institute  in Barcelona
17 May, 2022

IFOP researcher, Ignacio Payá, accomplished an internship at the Marine Sciences Institute in Barcelona

November 6th, 2022 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Within the framework of his PhD at Universidad de Barcelona, ​​financed by an IFOP scholarship.

Ignacio Payá, IFOP’s Resources Evaluation Departmen researcher, carried out an internship between May 1rst and 8th, at the Marine Sciences Institute (ICM-CSIC) in Barcelona (https://www.icm.csic.es), within the framework of the first year (2021-2022) of his Marine Sciences PhD program at Universidad de Barcelona (https://www.ub.edu/portal/web/ciencias-tierra/doctorado-ciencias-mar).

His thesis on squid fishery management is being directed by doctors Joan Company and Nixon Bahamon from ICM-CSIC, and has Dr. Cristian Canales collaboration from Pontificia Universidad Catolica de lparaíso. During this internship he worked on his research plan and the first manuscript. He also made visits to the ports of unloading and commercialization of fish on the Catalan coast, where he had the opportunity to attend electronic auctions and a meeting to deliver the results of the ICM-CSIC to the fishermen’s association of the city of Vilanova i la Geltrú (https://www.llotjavilanova.com).

Mr. Payá’s studies are being financed by an IFOP grant, since they are crucial for the Resources Evaluation Department. The thesis is carried out at IFOP and at ICM-CSIC, with a program of a yearly visit to ICM-CSIC.

Payá mentions that “doing a PhD has been a longing since he joined IFOP in 1989, and now he has given himself the opportunity with this IFOP scholarship. In order to access the program at Universitdad de Barcelona, ​​I first had to update my academic curriculum, for which I completed the Master’s program in Applied Statistics at Universidad Nacional de Educación a distancia (UNED) in Spain in 2017-2018 and the Master’s in Sciences at the Universidad de Concepción in 2018-2020, the latter funded by the CONICYT-PFCHA/Magíster/2018 – 22181075 scholarship from the Chilean government.”

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