IFOP researcher, assumes as  Understanding Memorandum Work Plan Coordinator between   South Pacific Permanent Commission and Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
21 October, 2022

IFOP researcher, assumes as Understanding Memorandum Work Plan Coordinator between South Pacific Permanent Commission and Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission

October 24th, 2022 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Patricio Barría Martínez is a Marine Biologist with a Master’s degree in Biological Sciences, mention in Ecology, from Universidad de Chile. His main interest areas have been fisheries ecology, population dynamics, highly migratory fish stock assessment, and scientific advice for fisheries at the national and international levels conservation and management.
At the XVI Annual Meeting of the Regional Action Plan for Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras Conservation and Management in the Southeast Pacific Scientific Technical Committee. Delegates representing the Member States (Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru) appointed Mr. Patricio Barría as Coordinator of the Work Plan between Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (CIAT) and South Pacific Permanent Commission (CPPS).
Patricio, referred to the responsibilities of the position “being coordinator of the memorandum of understanding is to carry out scientific management and actions with four countries with the purpose of establishing a community of 16 researchers, considering a joint work process that enhances the formation of its members and the additional support of professionals and technicians, in which we advance in the macroscale stock assessment of highly migratory fish.
The action plan of this memorandum has a schedule that was evaluated and approved by CPPS Scientific Technical Committee, and establishes the participation in various workshops and work that have been organized by IATTC, in addition to quarterly meetings and seminars with the countries of the region”.
Barría added “From a personal point of view, it is a new professional challenge and also an additional responsibility, in which there is an opportunity to work together with the countries of the region on common problems and it is a challenge in which we must achieve success, so that these scientific initiatives are more frequent every day in the globalized world in which we live.
For IFOP, the position implies recognition from the scientific community for being an institution that has a history in monitoring and evaluating fisheries and in the work carried out at the international level in regional fishing organizations. On the other hand, these initiatives generate opportunities from the scientific point of view, there is a relationship, communication in direct interaction with the people of these organizations, labor links are established and new knowledge and technologies are accessed, which open up new opportunities. for IFOP researchers and technicians”.

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