Fisheries Development Institute and Universidad de  Tarapacá sign collaboration agreement
14 January, 2021

Fisheries Development Institute and Universidad de Tarapacá sign collaboration agreement

January 16th, 2021 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) and Universidad de Tarapacá have just signed an agreement wich aims to establish general collaboration basis between Universidad de Tarapaca through its Marine and Limnological Studies Center (CEMYL) of the Sciences Faculty and Mechanical Engineering Faculty Department , and IFOP, through its Fisheries Research and Aquaculture Research Divisions, to strengthen cooperative work ties in common interest areas .

The agreement will serve as future specific collaboration actions framework on various topics such as:

  1. Research, training, training, extension;
  2. Publications;
  3. Experts exchange through talks, courses and seminars;
  4. Student practices and thesis conduction;
  5. Other related contributions.

This inter-institutional agreement is part of a series of actions that seek, through collaborative work, to contribute to advanced human capital formation , and to shorten information gaps on issues relevant to Arica and Parinacota region development , and of the entire country.

It represents an institutional effort result to establish relationships with higher education institutions that have commitments and interests on IFOP’s institutional mission relevant matters.

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