Collaboration agreement is signed by IFOP and WCS Chile
25 April, 2019

Collaboration agreement is signed by IFOP and WCS Chile

April 29th, 2019 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Research and innovation for sustainable austral seas development

Ad portas the month of the sea, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) signed a collaboration agreement, wich aims to favor and promote the southern seas of Magallanes Region and Chilean Antarctic scientific, academic and communicational activities, to value and promote biodiversity knowledge..

Within the two-year agreement framework it is intended to promote artisanal fisheries sustainable development innovation and research on marine conservation, protected areas and territory, through scientific publications and through material for pre and post-graduate students .

Luis Parot, IFOP Executive Director, declares: “For IFOP, Fisheries Development Institute it is very important to establish these strategic alliances with organizations that share our concern for caring for and protecting the environment, natural resources and, in particular in the case of IFOP, fishing resources. Although IFOP’s task is a public role, which allows Chilean state to take fisheries management and resources protection measures, in order to ensure its long term subsistence, we are also interested in developing research initiatives and to generate knowledge regarding the state in which there are zones that are part of our environmental and genetic heritage, such as Chilean southern sea, in this case Seno Almirantazgo “.

Daniela Droguett, WCS Chile Director for Magallanes, comments: “All our conservation decisions and what we do in Karukinka Park have scientific basis, it is part of our way of proceeding. For its part, the ecosystemic services line and fisheries resources management handled by IFOP is completely aligned to what we do and the vision we want to promote for marine protected areas. That is why having IFOP as a strategic and support partner for the development of our marine conservation program at the regional and national levels is of the utmost importance. ”

The agreement also seeks to promote cooperation for organization of various instances that will promote knowledge and science appreciation, southern sea biodiversity and conservation “Together with WCS, we will work collaboratively to strengthen both organizations and to strengthen our local involvement in heritage care tasks,” adds Parot.

“We know that human beings live on resources and in our region artisanal fishing is one of the most important economic activities, that is why we are interested in carrying out actions that enhance its sustainability over time and this agreement is a way to strengthen those actions “, Droguett concludes-.

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