IFOP developed training for the use of Image-Pro software
August 10th, 2016Image-Pro is an image analysis program, which has the section Age and Growth of Instituto de Fomento Pesquero, and thanks to this program, different activities and research projects have been carried out.
In Talcahuano, training was developed for the use of Image-Pro analysis software, which currently offers the best options for work at scientific level. With this, it is possible to develop different studies based on high-resolution digital images.
An image analysis system consists of a microscope or stereo microscope equipped with a high resolution digital camera that is connected to a computer with a specific image analysis software and high resolution monitor stereomicroscope.
Its importance is that it allows to know different morphometric data objects or samples being studied. So we have been able to obtain morphometric data of otoliths from different species, and now it will be possible to have morphometric data of eggs and reproductive tissues from cartilaginous fish, such as mako shark, blue and sardinero, and osseous fish, such as swordfish and golden fish.
The training was aimed at researchers, technicians and scientists observers of highly migratory program; the topics discussed were: Basic introduction of image analysis microscopy, requirements and installation of an image analysis station. Description of functions and menus of software Image-Pro. Practical exercises in the handling and use of image analysis software. Utilize the Image-Pro program, as a working tool for image analysis program, according to requirements of highly migratory resources monitoring.
Lizandro Muñoz, technologist of IFOP, who carried out the training, explained: “the study of sexual maturity of osseous and cartilaginous fish, to meet specific objectives of highly migratory resources monitoring program normally requires the use of optical microscopy equipment.
The use of these implies the need for knowledge and training in the use of these devices by those who operate them.
At present, the use of microscopy has joined together with computing creating a new technological discipline known as “Image Analysis” which still requires greater understanding for the implementation of the new tools in the search for solutions that offer optimal results in various studies, for example, biological nature. ”
The speaker, Mr. Muñoz, added that this course is a breakthrough in terms of perspective utilization of image analysis software, since some years ago, this tool have been used in otoliths, and with this training, it has been possible to verify that the software is also capable to deliver data in the study of fish eggs, and eventually it could also be applied to other areas of IFOP research.
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