IFOP holds workshop on elasmobranch biology and anatomy for scientific observers
December 21st, 2016Scientific observers are the people who gather the information on board, so they have to be very skilled at what they do
Between December 14 and 15, in San Antonio, Valparaiso Region, the Instituto de Fomento Pesquero (IFOP), is holding a workshop for scientific observers.
Dr. Patricia Zárate, referred to the purpose of the course “is to reinforce the knowledge that observers have in the biology and anatomy of the elasmobranch (sharks and rays), we have to comply with international and national agreements, and sharks are an important resource within the ecosystem.
This workshop is a key one since we teach techniques of sampling, internal anatomy of the animal, for example, how to collect a stomach in the best way and so can reach its final destination in the best conditions. ”
Edison Garcés, IFOP researcher, explained that “the importance of the courses to scientific observers is to generate knowledge and constant improvement, in order to help training professionals with a biological, reproductive and trophic base of chondrichthyes, which leads to improve the quality of information that is collected.”
Eric Gaete, head of the sampling management department, added that “the role of scientific observers at the national level is key to the fishing sector, they are in charge of collecting information through ships, discharging points or processing plants throughout Chile, to advise technically and scientifically the decision-making of Subsecretaría de pesca y acuicultura.”
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