IFOP Puerto Montt, participates in an interactive inclusion program activity during “special education day”.
14 November, 2022

IFOP Puerto Montt, participates in an interactive inclusion program activity during “special education day”.

November 18th, 2022 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

IFOP Puerto Montt recently participated in a dissemination activity organized by Liceo Manuel Montt, diversity oriented program in Puerto Montt’scity , an invitation extended on the occasion of the celebration of special education day commemorated on November 4th and whose objective was to carry out a professional and occupational activities sampler within inclusion week (November 8th – November 11th) where various activities related to inclusion and good coexistence were carried out.

José Pérez field coordinator and Héctor Huerta, general coordinator on behalf of Fisheries Division and on behalf of Aquaculture Division, Macarena Herrera, IFOP’s researcher on Mutilid Larval Monitoring Program, participated in this activity. Who previously would have participated in similar instances for students, where they had shown interest in learning more about the marine environment and its resources.

On the occasion, it was possible to present an interactive sample of IFOP’s carried out work, in its institutional work, which included a collection of benthic, demersal and pelagic resources from different carried out research works by the institution in both of its Divisions. This activity was carried out on Thursday, November 10th, from approximately 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Where the student community was able to appreciate macroscopic and microscopic universe . In the first they were fascinated with fish measurement methods , how their organs’s weight is recorded. They also had the experience of observing and feeling a kite ray, getting to know its landing, handling and consumption.

On the other hand, in the microscopic world, they were able to appreciate marine phytoplankton and bivalve larvae diversity and richness . Also fish otoliths observation, such as the case of the southern hake, was very well received. These structures are studied by colleagues who, through different records, are able to obtain information regarding studied species’s development and movement.

While the most successful stand was the one wich held Caligus rogercresseyi’s observation which is a native ectoparasitic copepod that affects the salmonid fish farming industry.

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