Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Research Workshop
27 March, 2019

Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Research Workshop

April 1st, 2019 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Researchers Camilo Torres (Economy Area) and Pedro Romero (Management Area), participated in the Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Sixth Research Workshop, held between March 21th and 22nd , 2019 in Universidad de Talca Postgraduate School offices in Santiago.


The workshop aim was to review advances in research carried out in Chile, in areas of Ecosystem Conservation and Weather Change, Fisheries and Aquaculture Economics, Environmental Economics and Energy, Economics of Atmospheric Pollution and Fisheries Regulation, Marine Products Markets Price Formation. In this instance, the Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture (SUBPESCA), the Ministry of the Environment, Universities of Chile, Austral, Talca, Concepción, Biobío and Alberto Hurtado, among other national and foreign universities also participated. In addition, the important it was sponsored by Enviroment for Development (EfD).


On this occasion, Camilo Torres researcher in MSc fisheries economics presented the topic entitled “Estimation of indirect employment associated with the fishing industry in Chile, 2016“, where by means of the Product Input Model application (Leontief, 1985), quantifies generated indirect employment by fishing extractive, aquaculture and manufacturing sectors related to these productive activities, for each region of the country.


While Mr. Pedro Romero presented “The allocation of a right of territorial use contributes to hydrobiological resources conservation?, the case of benthic resources management and exploitation areas (AMERB)“, where through the application of a counterfactual model, economic impact of administration measurements are evaluated.

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