26 April, 2016

IFOP organizes workshops on Red Tide and another on Mussel

January 12th, 2018 Mario Loyola

acuicultura-Puerto-MonttOn Wednesday April 27th , between 9:00 and 13 pm in the Grand Pacific hotel in the city of Puerto Montt (Calle Urmeneta 719) the results dissemination workshop ” Program management and monitoring will be performed red tide in the regions of Los Lagos, Aysen and Magallanes ” .

But that day between 14:30 and 18 pm, also at the Grand Pacific hotel workshop results ” monitoring program on mussel larval availability for the sustainability of aquaculture in the inland sea of Chiloé be developed and other areas of interest to the mitilicultora activity in the third stage XI region ”

Attendance by invitation , Consultations carolina.barrientos@ifop.cl

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