IFOP leads meeting of the Pacific Alliance, held in Puerto Varas
17 April, 2024

IFOP leads meeting of the Pacific Alliance, held in Puerto Varas

April 22nd, 2024 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

On April 9th and 12th, the Network of Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Institutions of the Pacific Alliance (IIPA-AP Network) meeting was held at Cabañas del Lago Hotel in Puerto Varas, organized by Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP).

IIPA Network was born in 2017 in the context of Pacific Alliance Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Group’s Work Plan established that year , whose creation was agreed at the XI Pacific Alliance Summit in July 2016, with the objective of building a joint strategy for marketing of fishery products in member countries.

The network is made up of Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) from Chile, Mexican Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Institute (IMIPAS) from Mexico, Sea Institute from Peru (IMARPE) and José Benito Vives de Andréis Marine and Coastal Research Institute (INVEMAR) from Colombia. The Fisheries Research and Development National Institute (INIDEP) from Argentina and United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have also participated as observer institutions.

On this occasion, IFOP’s focal points, INVEMAR, IMARPE, INIDEP and FAO participated; without prejudice to the fact that IMIPAS expressed its consent to hold the meeting. After two days of work, a proposal for a 2024-2025 Work Plan was prepared, which will be reviewed by all member countries and approved once it has their approval. A field visit was also made to IFOP base located in Heihue town, where a tour of the facilities was taken. Cultivos Marinos Cholche was also visited where the experience of small-scale aquaculturist Justo García was learned in the polyculture of oysters, scallops, mussels and seaweed.

Gonzalo Pereira Puchy, IFOP’s Executive Director, referred to the meeting, for us as IFOP it is a great honor to be the organizers of this international meeting, which brings together countries that work for a common objective around responsible, sustainable fishing, with an ecosystemic approach that allows cooperation on scientific issues in fishing and aquaculture. In addition, this year IFOP celebrates 60 years since its creation and this meeting serves to confirm our commitment to excellent research at a national and international level.

Claudio Maggi, IFOP Board of Directors President, explained that it is very important to have collaborative instances, such as this Pacific Alliance meeting where representatives from Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Argentina and Chile participate, because it allows us to address shared issues, such as; climatic change effects, seas pollution, a learning community is built, in species stock management techniques, biomass evaluation, in an environment that in the end affects us all because we share the Pacific Ocean, and I am very happy to see IFOP leading this Network, in this beautiful Puerto Varas city , we as Corfo are always supporting IFOP’s work, especially in international relations and research capabilities development.

Daniela Díaz Guizado, in charge of IFOP’s cooperation and international relations, expressed that Pacific Alliance fisheries and aquaculture research institutions coordination through this network has made it possible to generate instances where experiences are shared and challenges and needs are highlighted. of each country on topics of common interest. Besides,
Mario Rueda, from INVEMAR, said we have been part of the Network since its creation, and this event is important, due to previous years planned activities follow-up tand becomes relevant for us because we are going to receive coordination from IFOP. , will now move to INVEMAR in Colombia, for us it is key to strengthen actions between different countries and continue on this collaborative agenda to strengthen research in applied science for society and our countries benefit.

Soledad Tapia Sernapesca National Director, first of all, congratulate IFOP, because this year it is turning 60 years old, but also for its leadership shown in the Pacific Alliance, in which IFOP has shown us today in presentations that it has made a series of advances, which are very important for fishing institutions, for example for us as Sernapesca, because they provided us with scientific information, for decision making, which is aligned with Subpesca, which makes the standard and then the service has to implement it and see if it is being fulfilled, which is why it is very important to collect data and all these strategic alliances that IFOP is leading.

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