IFOP invites  to CHONOS online dissemination workshop
21 January, 2021

IFOP invites to CHONOS online dissemination workshop

January 22nd, 2021 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

During the summer of 2021 IFOP will hold a new dissemination workshop entitled “Oceanography and Numerical Modeling in Fjords and Channels of Patagonia” and which will be given by the Oceanography and Climate group of IFOP in Castro (chonos.ifop.cl).

Due to COVID-19 pandemic current health contingency it will be carried remotely in 2 sessions via Meet. The link will be provided via email the days before. To reserve a place , please fill this form https://forms.gle/yX4T1hGgU6yGDHnH6.

The first session will take place on February 4th from 10:00 in the morning

The second session will take place on March 4th from 10:00 in the morning

The workshop will consist of various presentations in which progress made in the field of physical oceanography and its applications for sustainable development of productive activities carried out in the marine systems of southern Chile will be announced.

The exhibitions cover topics related to operational oceanographic forecasting systems, connectivity, water exchanges, biogeochemical cycles and structuring of benthic communities (see attached program poster for more details).

In addition to IFOP knowledge and activities dissemination, at the end of each session and through “round tables”, the workshop aims to be a place and occasion for ideas and realities exchange that allow establishing new future objectives in the service to the community from sustainable development.

Among the workshop participants will be; community representatives, political authorities, and the administration (Subpesca, Sernapesca), Regional Government and related fields researchers from.

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