IFOP invites to Mitilidae Larvae Monitoring Program Results Dissemination Workshop
November 22nd, 2021This Monitoring Program has been carried out since 2013 and its main mission is to describe and understand supply of larval larvae that supplies Los Lagos region mussel industry.
This Friday, November 26th, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) Aquaculture Research Division (DIA) will hold the Research Results Dissemination “Monitoring and Surveillance Program on larval availability of mitilids for aquaculture activity sustainability in south southern zone of Chile, Stage VIII (2020-21) Workshop ”, which is part of Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture (SUBPESCA) permanent research program defined by and executed by IFOP.
The monitoring program has been carried out since 2013 and in this workshop main results obtained up to date will be presented. The workshop will open with Dr. Leonardo Guzmán welcoming words, followed by SUBPESCA research program presentation by Paulina Vera, professional from the Sanitary and Pest Management Unit, and research’s technical counterpart. Subsequently, there will be 4 presentations by research work team in charge .
The first presentation, by researcher Cristina Stuardo, is entitled “Introduction to Monitoring Program: Justification, objectives and methodologies” and will focus on describing research activities carried out, which include environmental monitoring and larvae of mitilidae in different geographical sectors, the annual application of surveys to around 100 mussel farmers in Los Lagos region, monthly monitoring of the uptake of seeds in collectors of sites with contrasting hydrographic characteristics, and finally, dissemination activities and dissemination obtained results.
After the introductory presentation, it will be the turn of researcher Macarena Herrera, who will present the work entitled “Capture of mitilidae seeds in Los Lagos region: A description from the application of surveys to mitiliculturists.” In this exhibition, results obtained from surveys application to mussel farmers linked to the activity of seeds capturing in Los Lagos region will be presented, and which allow a description and diagnosis of the status of the activity in recent years.
Then it will be the turn of the researcher Marina Oyarzún, who will present the work entitled “Is the abundance of competent larvae of mitilidae a good indicator for seeds uptake?“, And which will focus on the results obtained from the monthly monitoring of the uptake of Mythilidae seeds in collectors, and especially in the relative importance of competent larvae abundance and seeds losses from collectors.
Finally, researcher David Opazo will present the work entitled “Lessons learned after 8 years of monitoring supply of larvae of mitilidae in Los Lagos region inland sea “, which will present some of main results obtained from abundance of mytillid larvae monitoring, with an emphasis on results that can be used for decision-making by mussel farming sector and authorities in charge of capturing mytillid seeds activity administration and regulation.
The workshop will be held online and those interested in attending can request more information by writing to carolina.barrientos@ifop.cl
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