IFOP invites to CHONOS difussion workshop: Oceanography at the community service
September 2nd, 2019
It’s free and it will take place on Tuesday, September 10th at Hotel Esmeralda (Esmeralda St nº266) in Castro city between 09:00 and 13:00 hrs.
It is the second year in a row, that Fisheries Development Institute will hold an informative workshop that will be taught by IFOP’s physical oceanography group in Castro (chonos.ifop.cl), and will have several presentations in which achieved progress in the field of physical oceanography and its applications for the sustainable development of the productive activities that are carried out in the marine systems of southern Chile will be announced.
The presentations cover topics related to operational systems of oceanographic forecasting, connectivity, water exchanges, biogeochemical cycles and benthic communities structuring ( for more details see attached program poster). In addition to knowledge dissemination and IFOP activities, the workshop aims to be a place and occasion for exchange of ideas and experiences that allow new future objectives establishment at the service of the community from sustainable development. Therefore, IFOP has considered inviting participants in the workshop, community representatives, political authorities and the administration (Subpesca, Sernapesca), Regional Government and related field researchers. To make a reservation, contact gabriel.soto@ifop.cl or pablo.reche@ifop.cl.
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