IFOP announces “Patagonia’s  Fjords and Channels Oceanography and Numerical Modeling “online dissemination workshop .
25 March, 2022

IFOP announces “Patagonia’s Fjords and Channels Oceanography and Numerical Modeling “online dissemination workshop .

March 29th, 2022 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

On Thursday, March 31rst, IFOP’s Oceanography and Climate in Castro (chonos.ifop.cl) will offer a new dissemination workshop entitled “Patagonia’s Fjords and Channels Oceanography and Numerical Modeling”, with the most relevant results and advances achieved in physical oceanography and its applications for productive activities sustainable development carried out in southern Chile marine systems. The workshop presentations address various topics related to Chilean Patagonia oceanography, such as: MOSA oceanographic forecasting operational system implementation, improvements and perspectives; freshwater discharges dynamics and modeling from rivers and glaciers; circulation and water masses transport; Lagrangian connectivity; and biogeochemical description and modeling. Each presentation includes a short space of time dedicated to questions and exchange of ideas from which to build joint knowledge of future research. To comply this objectives, IFOP has considered a range of community representatives to participate in the workshop, including political and administrative authorities (Subpesca, Sernapesca), regional government and researchers from related fields.
Due to COVID-19 pandemic current health contingency, the workshop will be held telematically via Meet (Google video calls) on March 31rst from 09:00 – 13:10 (approximate end time). Reserve your place by completing the registration form.


Any question to chonos@ifop.cl.

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