18 October, 2016

Experts on Marine Mammals of Chile revised work plan

December 7th, 2016 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Technical Group on Marine Mammals of Chile

At Viña del Mar, the Technical Group on Marine Mammals of Chile met. Doris Oliva, president of the group, said “this is a technical group, and our role is to advise Subsecretaría de Pesca on issues of marine mammals. We have a plan of activities on issues we deem as relevant for Subsecretaría to consider, issues related to legislation or technical issues required by them to make decisions. Today, we are dealing with a content related to the export of fishery products and interaction with marine mammals.”

The topics discussed at the meeting focused on a protocol proposal and marine mammal rescue, state of the art of fishing bycatch, US rules for the import of marine products and organization of SOLAMAC.

Meeting of Latin American Society of Aquatic Mammal Specialists (SOLAMAC)

Between November 28 to December 1, at Parque Cultural of Valparaiso, SOLAMAC event 2016 will be held. For this instance, Latin American Society of Aquatic Mammal Specialists (SOLAMAC) gather together every two years to academics, researchers and students of America America, in order to discuss aspects related to the study of aquatic mammals in our countries. These scientific meetings have become an important event for our society, allowing foster the development of scientific knowledge, train new researchers and be a platform that contributes to the creation and consolidation of ties among researchers. Its slogan “Current and future threats for the conservation of aquatic mammals in Latin America

Doris Oliva commented “this time is organized in Chile, it’s been 17 years ago last time we were host, it has been a big job for the organizing committee as this type of congress requires a lot of dedication. We have received 170 works and we are very happy since Walter Sielfeld, academic of Universidad Arturo Prat and part of the technical Group has won a prize, which is a pride for all of us. His award is recognition to a Latin American researcher who has had significance in this area. This time, the organizing committee and president of this society, represented by Eduardo Secchi, has selected Walter as the winner.
The noted academic, Walter Sielfeld, commented on his award: “is a recognition of the career, since I am of the older generations in Chile, I will turn 70 years and I am very happy, proud that your peers reward you is very gratifying, it is a tribute to the work one has done for so long.”

Video courtesy of www.empresaoceano.cl

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