Schoolchildren visit Talcahuano’s IFOP facilities
14 October, 2019

Schoolchildren visit Talcahuano’s IFOP facilities

October 17th, 2019 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Students from Pencopolitano High School in Penco, toured Fisheries Development Institute premises in Talcahuano, after their high school professional technical coordination requested the Descarte Scientific ObserversProject , a motivational talk to high school aquaculture specialty students .

The itinerary prepared for the students began with some welcome words from Cristian Villouta Field Coordinator who explained visit scheduled activities.

Fishing operations in industrial and craft vessels audiovisual material were shown to the students; a laboratory work presentation and a practical activity by Héctor Pastor.Scientific Observer The students performed a biological sampling and interacted with an exhibition of species caught in fishing operations.

The students were very interested in visiting IFOP Headquarters, their daily work and the role played by IFOP . Their previous visit to IFOP Talcahuano facilities was last August.

Finally, the High Scool coordinator Haroldo Tapia “thanked the hospitality and highlighted the value of this visit so that IFOP and the students had a meeting considering a possible insertion as practitioners in the future.”

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