In Colombia, IFOP participates as a national counterpart in a regional project on stressors that affects  coastal marine ecosystem sustainable management
12 March, 2024

In Colombia, IFOP participates as a national counterpart in a regional project on stressors that affects coastal marine ecosystem sustainable management

March 22nd, 2024 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

In Santa Marta, Colombia, between March 4th and 8th, 2024, ARCAL RLA2022007 project first coordination meeting was held – Strengthening regional capabilities on nuclear and isotopic techniques application to increase knowledge about stressors that affect marine and coastal sustainable management sponsored by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for a period of 4 years. The project is made up of 18 countries and IFOP is the Chilean counterpart in this project.

The project aims to generate regional technical capacities in the following components; communication, ocean acidification, microplastics, harmful algal blooms and biotoxins, pollution and blue carbon, using isotopic dating tools in sediments as an essential tool for achieving this last component.
This initiative will provide opportunities for our researchers to specialize and form collaboration networks in each of the components contained in the project and also the opportunity to build capabilities in other countries in the components in which we present greatest strengths.

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