Harmful Algae Studies Center  (CREAN) – Puerto Montt was present at a local Science Festival.
25 October, 2019

Harmful Algae Studies Center (CREAN) – Puerto Montt was present at a local Science Festival.

October 29th, 2019 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

CREAN researchers, participated with different activities related to publicize main phytoplankton species and talk about Harmful Algae Blooms in Chile, at the Science Festival, organized by Explora CONICYT, in the main cities of the south of our country .

On Puerto Montt’s dock, an interactive stand was held where children could imagine being part of the phytoplankton, understanding in a playful way, how these species are distributed in the ocean, the importance of the Sun for microalgae, and the great diversity of sizes and forms of these organisms, among others. In addition, it was shown through a microscope, where you can see what you can find in just one drop of seawater, observing through a screen attached to this instrument everything that was in the sample.

With a photographic sample, main phytoplankton species associated with Harmful Algae Blooms (FANs) in our country were announced, conversing from the first detection to current situation.

The responsible researcher for this activity, Pamela Carbonell, said that “these activities have a fundamental role in our Program, since it allows us to talk directly about southern Chile FANs, with very receptive people, children are very enthusiastic in learning of microalgae. It is definitely an enriching and incredibly entertaining activity. In addition, workshops were held on Foldscope, a paper microscope, where children and adults could assemble it and see through a small lens, but no less complex, various samples. Behind this activity, there was a great team work, thanks for the time and dedication so that everything went great: Gissela Labra, Julia Cáceres, Loreto López, Emma Cascales and Rodrigo Martínez. ”

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