Covid-19 Effects on national fisheries and aquaculture sector
4 June, 2020

Covid-19 Effects on national fisheries and aquaculture sector

June 8th, 2020 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Through a videoconference held on June 2nd , Fisheries Development Institute announced its main results of “EFFECTS OF COVID-19 ON THE NATIONAL FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE SECTOR” research. The activity brought together a large group of professionals from both institutions, led by by Luis Parot, IFOP Executive Director and José Pedro Núñez, Undersecretary (s) of Fisheries and Aquaculture, who together with highlighting IFOP timely response pointed out the need to continue monitoring pandemic effects in national fishing and aquaculture sector.

The report was prepared based on data collected by the Covid-19 survey and official Sernapesca statistics. Professionals from IFOP economic area IFOP, led by researcher Elizabeth Palta, disclosed sectoral economic indicators variations affected by the country’s health emergency.

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