Image Analysis Course using Image-Pro software
22 July, 2024

Image Analysis Course using Image-Pro software

July 23rd, 2024 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Carried out in the Aquaculture Research Division at the Puerto Montt Regional Headquarters of the Fisheries Development Institute.

Between July 1 and 5, the training course “Image Analysis” was held at the Puerto Montt Regional Headquarters of the Fisheries Development Institute. Image-Pro Software”.

Lizandro Muñoz R. laboratory analyst of the Age and Growth Section and who has various international and national trainings in microscopy and image analysis among others in his curriculum, indicated as course rapporteur that this is an activity that has been carried out at the request of the DIA Aquaculture Research Division through the Institute’s PACAN-PAVAN 2024 High Training Program, in order to deliver basic microscopy tools, pre-acquisition of working images and its own Image Analysis tools to personnel from different Departments of the Division.

With the attendance of eight people, including researchers and analysts, including an analyst who carries out activities in Punta Arenas, the course covered the introduction to the use of tools for image analysis but also included real samples provided by the attendees themselves, which which translated into a greater and better understanding of the processes that occur in the analysis of the images themselves, which gave added value to the course in development.

On the other hand, having samples and images previously acquired by the analysts themselves gave the opportunity for attendees to have a better approach and understanding of the proper use of the microscopy equipment because they were able to acquire their own images and develop the activities that were carried out. they were indicating. For this reason, the course was developed interactively where suggestions were made for the application of tools to improve the methodologies, but the best of all is that the idea was for the participants themselves to give those suggestions, which also achieved both time going over the use of the Image Analysis tools of the software and where they were able to verify that working with their images opens a great way for them to develop in order to obtain counts and measurements of the objects under study, whether shells, seeds, algae, etc

The CREAN was also visited, which is the Center for the Study of Harmful Algae, where the work carried out with inverted microscopy was verified and where it was confirmed that the samples they observed are also possible to work on image analysis, and having attended this The course provides them with trained personnel in this regard with the use of Image-Pro software where they will have the task of solving their own problems and developing work routines that allow them to obtain improvements in their results.

This training has given the option of forming a good group of people who could develop or collaborate in studies that involve the use of “Image Analysis” and which has the grace that it has been developed entirely by IFOP staff.

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