Chile and Argentina jointly conduct fish age determination workshop
30 November, 2017

Chile and Argentina jointly conduct fish age determination workshop

December 4th, 2017 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

This meeting highlighted and enriched otoliths applied procedures and techniques, up to age determination and information methodology to obtain both nations stocks age structures.

Argentina National Institute of Fisheries Development (INIDEP) held during November 21rst  and 24th , 2017 “Comparison of age determination techniques used in two of the main fish species that inhabit the Southern Cone of America: Macruronus magellanicus and Micromesistius australis”  workshop. From Chile we had the representation of Institute of Fisheries Development IFOP’s professionals Vilma Ojeda , María Miranda, Héctor Hidalgo.

Vilma Ojeda IFOP’s researcher explained that “in 2014, a Cooperation Agreement was signed and suscribed among National Institute for Argentina Fisheries Research and Development and Chile Fishing Development Institute. Its objective has been to enhance capacities, promoting joint projects development whose main objective is to promote scientific research regarding marine resources management and seeks to favor researchers training activities and knowledge generation. It was decided to hold this meeting, and other activities, at 2017-2018 Annual Coordination agenda. Which resulted on this workshop.

This meeting was extremely productive, allowed to deepen in a practical way all age issues, together with promoting analysts and researchers interaction that enriched knowledge from otoliths applied procedures and techniques, until age and mode determination. Information use to obtain stocks age structures performed by both nations. ”

Otoliths, are small calcareous structures located in the fish skull otic cavity, these structures have bands or rings growth alterations that by means of different methods allow to estimate fish age. In addition, otoliths are environment chemical information storage centers in which they live during their lives, which allows carrying out identification of population units, migration patterns, validation of age,studies among others. Significant information in fishery resources evaluation and management.

Researcher María Miranda finished by saying “in terms of three fins hake / Polish species shared with Argentina, we had methodologies, techniques feedback applied to this resource on otoliths preparation, for further reading, analysis of age determination and various topics associated to the different species analyzed in this workshop “.

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