Chile participates in Regional Sea Seminar  held in Ecuador
5 August, 2019

Chile participates in Regional Sea Seminar held in Ecuador

August 21st, 2019 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

The Sea’s Regional Seminar, care, opportunities and challenges was held at Universidad de Machala, Ecuador, It was organized by the General Directorate of Maritime Interests of the Navy. Representatives from France, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela and Chile participated in the activity. Our researcher from Fisheries Development Institute Nancy Barahona Toledo attended from our country.

The seminar objective was to provide knowledge about the sea in order to generate positive attitudes towards care and conservation of marine resources, creating reflection spaces on pollution, sustainable development and improving artisanal fishing community life’s quality.

Nancy Barahona explained “The seminar was organized mainly for those who directly or indirectly use the Sea to carry out their work activities and live nearby, state and non-governmental institutions, social actors in order to: Promote the sea as a source of work, livelihood and development mainly for the inhabitants of the coastal sector of Ecuador; to inform attendees about fishing population dynamics in El Oro (Ecuador) province ; provide participants with bioremediation of marine and coastal pollution theoretical and practical tools in aquaculture activities and to present innovative initiatives for conservation and management of biodiversity of marine ecosystems in Ecuador and in other countries.

The researcher presented the work ” Artisanal fisheries in Chile, Management plans: a way of co-management and fishery resources care.” She said in my presentation I am presenting “background information on fishery and aquaculture resources and landings in Chile. Emphasis was placed on artisanal fisheries and open access areas fishing management plans. Background information was given on its generation, the role of scientific committees and management committees. In turn, the management areas (AMERB) and the marine coastal spaces of native peoples (ECMPO) were highlighted in the benthic area. Associated with proper care given, she raised issues such as red tide that affects our country and climatic change, which is a cross-cutting issue, ending with a series of challenges. ”

Nancy Barahona Toledo, is an Execution Engineer in Fisheries and Master in Environmental Education, with extensive experience in fisheries research and extensive experience in monitoring benthic fisheries operated by the artisanal fleet in Chile and biological fisheries studies. With great interest in biological processes associated with these fisheries and resource – environment – user relationships (artisanal fishers), all in order to contribute to the management plans implementation. Head of the Benthic Fisheries Monitoring project and member of the Benthic Technical Scientific Committee.

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