Abate Molina Scientific Vessel , suspends its operations for 5 months due to its remodelation process
2 November, 2021

Abate Molina Scientific Vessel , suspends its operations for 5 months due to its remodelation process

November 3rd, 2021 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Puerto Montt’s Detroit Shipyard won a public bid carried out by IFOP. Works will begin on Friday, November 5th.

In order to modernize its premises, extend its useful life and to improve workers habitability Abate Molina ship enters a remodeling that includes; cabins, bathrooms, dining rooms, laboratories, entrances and wheelhouse.

While the ship is out of service. Scientific research cruises will be carried out with leased vessels, and with Subpesca aim in searching financing that is around $ 1,150 million. According to IFOP Executive Director, Luis Parot , “despite the budgetary restrictions to which we are subjected, we will do everything in our hands to carry out these cruises, to the extent that investigation quality is guaranteed.”

Patricio Herrera, IFOP’s Marine Operations Department head explained “The objective is to improve facilities comfort and to add elements that allow crew and researchers to be able to carry out more comfortable and adequate navigations to what is a modern scientific ship. This is in order to achieve a five years ship’s useful life extension.
Public bid was granted to Puerto Montt Detroit’s Shipyard for a project worth MM$996. It will starts at the beggining of november and it will last for 150 days”.

In general, projected improvements are:

Government bridge: It will be completely remodeled with adequate and functional furniture to contain electronic equipment; ceiling, walls and floor will be changed, a captain’s chair will be installed; The old electrical connector box will be modified reducing its size and retrofitting detection equipment.

Cabins: Remodeling consists of changing floors, ceiling and walls, furniture renovation and bunk beds; installation of 21 ”TV screens, USB port and AM / FM radio in each berth, plus air conditioning duct and new LED lighting. 4 cabins for 6 people in total will be built on the upper deck, in the place of the current officers chamber.

Corridors and entrances: floors, ceiling, LED lights and walls will be completely renovated.

Bathrooms: Its remodeling consists of sanitary fixtures change, ceiling, floor, walls and lights. Additionally, two full bathrooms will be built on the upper deck at the site of the officers’ chamber. Thus, on boat availability is increased from 4 to 6 bathrooms and from 3 to 7 showers. They will be separated into exclusive men and women bathrooms.

Dining rooms or officers and investigators chambers: Crew chamber will be built on the main deck in the the old bathroom place, with full equipment, table, chairs, living room with cafeteria, satellite TV and AM / FM radio.

The old crew dining room will be completely remodeled with a change in its facilities, equipping it with satellite TV and a cafeteria.

Kitchen: The kitchen area is expanded, allowing its facilities redistribution, making more functional furniture and everything in stainless steel, both furniture and walls; storage room is installed. The extracting air and vapors system to the outside will be improved

Laboratories: all the ceiling, floor and walls will be changed; New, more functional furniture will be built to contain research equipment and instruments; new screens will be installed; stainless steel counters will be installed for sampling.

Ship maintenance and hull : A hull will be made with cleaning and hull travel, anode renewal, revision of the side, main and rudder propeller, general painting; trawl gate trawl and calibration; bottom valve travel; gray water and black water circuits renovation ; disused electrical and electronic circuits removal; there will be a tour of mast antennas; increase in satellite internet capacity for greater navigation coverage in remote areas of the coast. Closed circuit television with 5 cameras will be installed for on board activities safety. Precision equipment such as CTDs, oceanographic blocks and rosettes will be sent for repair

During ship‘s dry stay other equipment evaluation for general maintenance will be made.

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