The scientific ship “Abate Molina” celebrates 25 years dedicated to national fisheries and aquaculture research
20 June, 2016

The scientific ship “Abate Molina” celebrates 25 years dedicated to national fisheries and aquaculture research

July 11th, 2016 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Leonardo Nunez Montaner, Executive Director of IFOP, and Naoto Nikai, Ambassador of Japan

With a ceremony held at the Cousino building in the city of Valparaiso, the Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture, jointly with Instituto de Fomento Pesquero celebrated the quarter century of research vessel “Abate Molina,” ship that arrived to our country in 1991 after being built in Japan with the highest naval and scientific technology.

In the activity, where major fisheries and aquaculture authorities attended, the important work of research conducted aboard the “Abate” was highlighted, which has allow to deliver valuable information and knowledge about the reality of resources that inhabit our shores, permitting advance public policies aimed at safeguarding, conservation and sustainability of national marine resources.

The development of fisheries and aquaculture in the country has been hand contributed by “Abate Molina” and researchers enrolled that year after year ride our waters from north to south in various expedition cruises. Also, it is important to mention that the vessel is fully operative, this thanks to a plan of maintenance and improvements which has raised its technical and structural capacities to international standards for 10 years on.

Raul Súnico, Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture, said that “the ship Abate Molina is the main generator of scientific research inputs for decision making on allocations of fishing quotas, so much of the sustainability of fisheries resources in the country depend on the Abate Molina action, its scientists and operating crew.”

“Today, the Abate Molina does not sail alone. Cabo de Hornos vessel has joined, conducting cutting-edge research as well. Besides, we also commissioned the construction of a new research shore vessel – of a length of 20 meters- that will allow us to research in the 5 miles and internal seas of southern Chile. They are new vessels that will be part of the system of fisheries research in the country,” he added.

Naoto Nikai, Ambassador of Japan, in his speech, he stressed “the fact that Abate Molina “remains in force after this long journey of twenty-five (25) years and continue performing duties as scientific vessel under the proper administration of IFOP, is very appreciated. ”

Leonardo Nunez, Executive Director of Instituto de Fomento Pesquero (IFOP) emphasized that “has been a tremendous opportunity to bring together many generations around the ship

Abate Molina, from the origin to modern times, where she has already spent a quarter century. It is important to highlight its crew, hard working heroes that have made homeland and sovereignty by recognizing natural resources; and the researchers, who through their dedication, we could have timely and accurate information, being this managed through Subpesca, to take care of our fishing heritage.”

In the last 10 years, the Abate Molina has accomplished 11 annual sailing cruises, with an average of 243 days per year, navigating between 277 and 289 days between 2006 and 2009. In 2016 and to date, the Abate has already made five cruises completing 139 days of operation.

This platform was donated by the Japanese government in 1990 to conduct oceanographic fisheries research with the best possible standards; for its design, Chilean and Japanese engineers and professionals participated, who established requirements with latest equipment for the time, considering the best technology available of acoustic detection for resource assessment and oceanographic and fisheries research, as well as navigation equipment and satellite communications.

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