11th International Conference on Sea Lice 2016
26 September, 2016

11th International Conference on Sea Lice 2016

September 27th, 2016 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Juan Carlos Quintanilla

It will be held in Westport, Ireland, and will assist Juan Carlos Quintanilla, veterinarian and marine biologist of Instituto de Fomento Pesquero.

Between September 26th and 28th, at Westport city, Ireland, Sea Lice 2016 will take place, 11th International Conference on Caligus rogercresseyi. This is organized every two years, and brings together leading researchers of sea lice in the world, besides of being the central focus for discussion of issues and problems related to sea lice, and the development of further research and management, in order to better understand the epidemiology of lice sea. This time was coordinated by the Marine Institute of Ireland.

Juan Carlos Quintanilla, of Instituto de Fomento Pesquero will attend. He is a veterinarian and marine biologist, certificated in Productive Marine Resource Management with expertise in health issues, mainly of diseases in aquatic organisms, biosecurity in salmon farming, plus coordination and project management research and development of the area.


Sea Lice

Among the main topics to be discussed at the conference, the following are included:

Biology, epidemiology and molecular biology of sea lice, modeling and interaction of wild and farming fish, integrated pest management and sustainable production, regulatory policies and chemotherapy of sea lice.

Juan Carlos Quintanilla said “our work is to present the results from the evaluation of antiparasitic systems application available on salmonid farms, through the dispersion and detection in the water column of active principles deltamethrin, cypermethrin and azamethiphos currently used by the salmon farming industry in bath treatments with closed canvas, for the control and management of caligidosis.

This corresponds to a historical research line that has been developed and carried out by the Department of Hydro biological Health of Instituto de Fomento Pesquero, which has studies in this field, and also currently has specialists in the field of biology and management caligus, so it is important to be at the vanguard with this type of research.”

“Attendance at this conference will allow us, in addition to presenting our study, to interact in person with other groups of researchers and scientists who have a lot of experience in this subject, which will certainly allow us to enhance our capabilities and to expand our lines of research.” concluded Juan Carlos.

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