IFOP and Valparaíso Natural History Museum will carry out joint work with zooplankton collections
9 May, 2024

IFOP and Valparaíso Natural History Museum will carry out joint work with zooplankton collections

May 14th, 2024 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

During Tuesday, May 7th ‘s morning, the Zooplankton Oceanography and Environment Department Laboratory team of professionals, Francisca Osorio, Débora Albornoz, Yanara Figueroa, Katty Donoso, Jessica Bonicelli, and the head of the Oceanography Section, Hernán Reyes met with Sergio Quiroz, Director of the Museum of Natural History of Valparaíso (MHNV), and Javiera Leiva, in charge of the biological collections of the MHNV.

Museum professionals shared their experience in curating and maintaining biological samples. This information is of vital importance for the preservation and conservation of the zooplankton samples collection, which have been collected for more than 40 years, within the framework of IFOP’s managed projects and which are currently in the conservation process. and digitization within the framework of“Plankton Digital Library” CORFO project .

In this first meeting, joint work was agreed upon within the collaboration and linkage agreement that exists between both institutions, due to the biological importance of the more than 29,000 IFOP zooplanktonic samples. This will allow us to have national and international standards, which will allow us to create the first Biological Zooplankton Collection in Chile.

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