• 25 July 2024

    IFOP will investigate the current situation of the common hake in Chile

    Yesterday, July 24, the scientific vessel Abate Molina set sail from the Port of Valparaíso to investigate the current state of the common hake. The general objective of the cruise, headed by the fisheries engineer Álvaro Saavedra, is to carry out a hydroacoustic survey between the northern border of the Coquimbo Region and the Los

    Fuente: www.ifop.cl
  • 18 July 2024

    IFOP achieves incorporation of CHONOS in the “Decade of the Oceans”

    Within the framework of the sixth Call for Actions of the Decade, called by the Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) or Decade of the Oceans, the IFOP postulated the “Oceanographic Information System – CHONOS” initiative, led by the Department of Environment of the Aquaculture Research Division. The Decade of the Oceans is

    Fuente: www.ifop.cl
  • 26 July 2024

    Fisheries Development Institute holds “IFOP 60th Anniversary Cup”

    During the months of June and July 2024, the “IFOP 60th Anniversary Cup” Soccer Championship was held, an activity that is part of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Fisheries Development Institute. On this occasion, the organization was in charge of IFOP and as is tradition, most of the institutions related to the

    Fuente: www.ifop.cl
  • 5 July 2024

    IFOP organizes the 7th International Symposium of Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching “Aquaculture-based enhancement science to unify the conservation and the restoration of fisheries”

    The 7th International Symposium of Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching SSESR7 entitled “Aquaculture-based enhancement science to unify the conservation and the restoration of fisheries” shall take place from November 5-8 in Puerto Varas, a scientific-public event within the framework of the activities commemorating IFOP’s 60th anniversary. For the first time. this International Symposium organized by

    Fuente: www.ifop.cl
  • 23 July 2024

    New IFOP research vessel “Doctora Barbieri” joined the Voluntary Meteorological Observer Program

    The efforts were led by professionals from the Meteorological Center (V.), dependent on the Maritime Government of Valparaíso. The fishing and oceanographic research vessel “Dra. Barbieri”, built in the Asenav shipyards in Valdivia for the Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP), joined the Voluntary Meteorological Observation Vessels (VOS) program, reinforcing the organization’s commitment to the collection of

    Fuente: www.ifop.cl
  • 1 July 2024

    Balmaceda Arte Joven and IFOP seek to promote the conservation of the marine ecosystem with an unprecedented artistic exhibition for the community in Los Lagos

     The opening of the Exhibition “Immersion: Underwater Photography” will be next July 12 at 6:00 p.m. at the BAJ Gallery and admission is free. Los Lagos Region, Chile, July 2024. As an unprecedented milestone, the strategic alliance between science and culture is framed, starring the Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) and Balmaceda Arte Joven (BAJ), who

    Fuente: www.ifop.cl
  • 19 July 2024

    With a Documentary about turtles prepared by IFOP and Upla TV, Propedeutics of the Playa Ancha University, started classes

    The Propedeutics Program of the University of Playa Ancha began its classes with a day in the Dr. Félix Morales Pettorino Classroom, in which the documentary prepared by the Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) and the UPLA TV channel was broadcast to raise awareness about the reduction of bycatch of Eastern Pacific leatherback turtles in spinel

    Fuente: www.ifop.cl
  • 11 July 2024

    Outstanding participation of IFOP in the 36th Meeting of the FAO Fisheries Committee in Rome

    Between July 8 and 12 in Rome, Italy, the 36th Meeting of the Fisheries Committee of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) was held. COFI is the only global intergovernmental forum where FAO member states meet to examine and consider issues and challenges related to fisheries and aquaculture. It periodically provides

    Fuente: www.ifop.cl
  • 23 July 2024

    IFOP organizes first national meeting of scientific vessel operators

    On July 17 and 18, in Viña del Mar, the “first national meeting of operators of vessels and scientific platforms oriented to marine research” was held, organized by the Department of Marine Operations within the framework of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Institute. The activity began with the words of the Executive

    Fuente: www.ifop.cl
  • 3 July 2024

    Johana Ojeda from IFOP, makes a technical visit to the Norce research center based in Bergen Norway

    The M.Sc. Johana Ojeda P., Senior Researcher of the Department of Environment of the Aquaculture Division, who is currently head of the project: “Monitoring study of the environmental performance of aquaculture in Chile and its effect on the site ecosystems”, made a visit technical to the NORCE Research Center in Bergen (https://www.norceresearch.no/en/), is one of

    Fuente: www.ifop.cl